Sunday, June 5, 2011

Health tips

Introduction: Potassium is a mineral of metals is very important to the integrity of the nervous system And regularity Heart, human cells contain a quantity of potassium Higher than any Another metal, where there are about 250 grams Of this nutrient in the body of an adult person. 
Jobs And uses of potassium: There Studies say that low levels of potassium associated with high blood pressure, and this link is stronger when the ratio of sodium to potassium is high, some research has pointed to That the incidence of low potassium may play a clear role in high blood pressure is greater than the height of the role of Sodium.

I Some recent studies that giving potassium in patients with hypertension had lower blood pressure without significantly reducing the sodium, as some researchers noted that the Diet reduced calorie, sodium, cholesterol is required for people with heart disease And blood vessels, and unfortunately, this kind of food also reduce other nutrients such as calcium and potassium that are necessary to maintain the blood pressure Naturally, studies have shown that the element of potassium Necessary to the circulatory system in other ways, in a study conducted on mice were given food lead to stroke Stroke, was divided into two groups.
Group I was given a high potassium prevent 2% of fatal stroke compared to 83% of the group that did not give potassium, and in another study found that potassium protects against renal failure resulting from high Blood pressure, and it has happened this effect observed in studies even without the potassium reduction of blood pressure.
And potassium Necessary to maintain fluid balance in the cells of the body which is also based on support for enzyme reactions that occur within our cells, also play an important role which the transfer of nerve signals and contraction Muscle and the secretion of hormones, it also regulates the movement of nutrients through cell membranes, and these Function of the functions of potassium have been found to decrease with advancing age, and this explains some of what happens to the device from damage to the league or fatigue or weakness in the elderly.
Deficiency symptoms Potassium: Include Symptoms of potassium deficiency include: dry skin, acne, chills, a deterioration in mental capacity, constipation, diarrhea, weakness Repercussions of nervousness, swelling of the body, nerve Mood, not likely to glucose, high levels of Alklollestrul, Low Blood pressure, stress, insomnia, muscular weakness, vomiting, nausea, the incidence of migraine in Periodically, the descent of the protein in the urine, difficulty breathing, holding the salt in the body, thirst, which is difficult novelist, fluctuations in Heartbeat.

Sources Food where there is a potassium: Include Food sources of potassium, fish, fruits, legumes, meat, poultry, whole grains and vegetables and there are higher concentrations in avocados, bananas, pears, dates, molasses, brewer's yeast And brown rice , Figs, dried fruit and raisins Potatoes and garlic, onions, pumpkin and wheat bran And dairy products are advised people who take diuretics as a treatment for blood Gdt Almertqa eat fruit, such as Banana And oranges, tomatoes, and to higher content of potassium, However, the amount of potassium in these foods less than The amount excreted in the urine as a result of the use of diuretics, and compensate for this Loss of potassium should be dealt with a large quantity of bananas Per day.

Usually, many doctors often put high-dose supplements Mint Potassium For these patients. There Potassium in the form of tablets or liquid form as a food supplement, And the right amount of potassium between 99-300 mg for men and women, but since potassium is abundant in Foods Fresh, most people do not need potassium supplements, but they need to advise them of reducing sodium intake to Ratio of sodium to potassium 1: 1 and it should be noted that the Kidney disorders, diarrhea and use of diuretics are Cause a further deterioration of the potassium levels are also linked to lower tobacco and caffeine absorption of potassium.

Cure for cold And experienced: Treatment Natural and experienced (against Alanflonz a) (If What cold medicine is good food and a full does not prevent you try it)
Half Lemon + tablespoons olive oil (natural) + two tablespoons of honey (a natural (... Mix With some in Venjal or cup and then move and drink twice a day morning and evening.
Circuit protects the gums from festering and Triple-help To recover Infections: We know that the gum part of the oral cavity and one of its contents, The gum is a soft mucous tissue Which covers the part installed where the teeth of the jaw bone and gum to help support and protect teeth, gums consist of fibrous tissue covered by a thick mucous membrane and pass through the gums blood vessels and lymph Carry blood And Allimpha of the face and jaws, and to them. Healthy gums are firm and rigid in color with some red spots, And the gum Bnicp about every age and age-related under this Fichu Slightly, resulting in the presence of a shallow groove between the gum and every tooth. In that groove start trouble gums.
Enters the oral cavity daily multiple varieties of foods And drinks in addition to large quantities of Air and the magnitude of the plankton. These items are often left behind by some residue inside the mouth, which is in turn a fertile environment for microbial growth and reproduction because of the presence of food needed Temperature, humidity, and appropriate, there remains calm until you find the right opportunity Vngzo tissues and destroy them Updated gum inflammation and suppuration, sometimes added to provide some factors such as the presence of necrosis teeth and bad teeth arrangement and dishes, or the presence of false teeth to poor Or other things that has to do with teeth.
Begins Many of gum disease when Inhabs in gingival Fila some remnants of food between the teeth and gums, and it happens especially when Middle age, when the gum tissue tends to shrink from the teeth, may occur frequently in young age when their teeth are irregular in Location or in the separators, and if this food is still trapped for By cleaning it regularly decays component of the environment or breeding farm For bacterial growth and reproduction, if hit by bacterial gum infection, the body responds to it in a counter-attack, and that it sends to larger quantities of blood, where the pellets White to fight bacterial invasion of the new. And lead Increase blood and abundance of the gums to increase Ahmrarha and bleed easily, and tend To become inflamed and swell, and you know this situation may cause inflammation of the gums from gingivitis to dental fillings pink or combinations of non-court situation. It may also cause weakness of public health or of some types of infection.
Must Promptly consult a specialist doctor who specializes in dental and periodontal therapies when bled easily, or showed signs of Other inflammatory disease, in order not to get worse leading to Serious trouble gum, you may develop inflammation of the gums, which did not address the To suppuration Gum or what is known as a disease Balbuoria gingival seriously, in this disease is spreading to the inflammation and suppuration Eldred, where most of the teeth Tngrz updated degeneration gradually Bone with Loosening of teeth. Must in this case to save teeth And initiating treatment promptly, before it is too late.
It is Gum disease or other infection Vincent what is known as trench mouth, a severe bacterial infection appears suddenly causing severe inflammation in the letter Gums, bleeding where it is easier for less touching or exciting, and disease Severe aching to the point that swallowing or speech could become Torrid, and Distinctive signs of this disease bad breath or halitosis and what is known as the fast evaporation of progress to Deep tissue until it reaches the bone tartar, and accumulate tissue Dead Between the teeth and gums, and broken the gum tissue Itself. If untreated, the disease in the wake of speed and flexibility Concrete, The ulcers may spread to the existing Alcdeghin, lips, throat and tongue.

Treatment Herbal: I We talked about the ring again but we will talk about in this article as a remedy protective of the mouth wash for the protection of gum inflammation or suppuration And the way be taken to fill a teaspoon of fenugreek powder And placed in a container of water and then fill a glass vessel is placed On the fire until the beginning of boiling, then cover and leave to soak for 15 minutes This is boiled and then filtered and boiled in this mouth wash several times in the Today.


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